3 Green Commercial Construction Practices


3 Green Commercial Construction Practices
KBS Companies

3 Green Commercial Construction Practices

Eco-consciousness has grown as a main focus for businesses across a variety of industries, even those that don’t directly serve customers. While retail stores and the like may reap the customer-boosting benefits their ethical behavior brings, even agricultural systems operations and other commercial constructions can feel good about lending the environment a hand.

Considering sustainable or green building practices for your next project? Here’s how your construction company should go about getting the job done, courtesy of KBS Companies, your local farm building, commercial construction, and pre-engineered building pros.

Airtight Commercial Construction

Any commercial contractor worth their salt will tell you that a smooth job starts in the planning phase. But the importance of planning doesn’t just affect timely project completion. It also impacts that project’s environmental footprint.

While it’s uncommon that any commercial contractor would deliberately order less than they need, excess material ordering can be a major problem for the planet.

Using Too Many Materials Means Unnecessary Environmental Costs

Faulty planning, or planning that isn’t innovative and eco-conscious, can result in too many materials being used to complete a project when fewer would be needed had the planning been done to accommodate.

The commercial construction company with flawed planning thus contributes to unnecessary environmental strain by requesting the excess materials and by requiring excess transport for those materials. In short, they demand too much of the planet when far less would do!

What Does This Mean for Commercial Contractors?

It means that if you’re looking for a commercial contractor who works with the environment in mind, you best find one who has a good reputation for planning their work down to the smallest detail.

They can talk about being green all they want, but if they want to avoid this unnecessary environmental pitfall, they better be scrupulous about their pre-construction plotting.

Luckily, if you work with KBS Companies, you’ll never have to worry about that. We wouldn’t have been in the commercial construction business for nearly a hundred years if planning wasn’t a strong point of ours!

Considering the Functionality of the Finished Product

It’s not just what a building is made out of that affects its environmental impact, but how systems such as lighting and windows will work after the local construction company is done.

In other words: Will the building be green once the client moves in? Do they have access to appliances and fixtures that cut their energy uses while still maintaining the building’s serviceability?

What Does This Mean for Commercial Contractors?

It means that, if you’re looking to build green, they should be dedicated, like we are at KBS. They should leave no part of your building behind.

Anything from windows to lighting systems has the potential to contribute to a project’s eco-friendliness. If you’ve voiced that as a concern, your local construction company should spare no effort to show you the eco-friendly fixtures they recommend.

The really dedicated ones will even help you consider alternative energy sources and appliances, such as:

●        Solar panels

●        Rainwater irrigation systems

●        Composting toilets

Being Mindful of Birds

Yes, birds! They’re an important part of local ecosystems everywhere, and large structures in what would otherwise be their natural habitat can drastically throw them for a loop. We’ve all heard that sickening thunk as a bird hits our home’s window; imagine that on a much larger, commercial-building scale.

Indeed, window collisions are actually a major cause of bird death. So major that a variety of organizations have acknowledged or been formed to help combat the issue, including FLAP Canada and the Audubon Society.

Unfortunately, the same vigor hasn’t been mirrored in the construction industry. Few companies talk about this tragic environmental downside to commercial construction. They’re all too wrapped up in alternative energy sources and energy-efficient fixtures – both good things, of course. But they shouldn’t need to be considered at the expense of other immediate concerns.

KBS Companies understands that even a single commercial building has its effects on local ecosystems—and that’s why we’re ready with some ideas on how to combat them.

What Does This Mean for Commercial Contractors?

When we say “be mindful of birds,” we don’t just mean think about their plight and feel sad – we mean taking action! 

If there is quite a bit of glass space planned for your project, your commercial contractor should speak up about methods that can help birds avoid it. These include but are not limited to:

●        Netting

●        Special window decals

●        Films

The good news is that many of these products won’t impact your project’s appearance or functionality, but they’ll save animals’ lives and help to ensure the stability of local food chains.

Future occupants will also appreciate not having bird-window collisions ruin their experience with your business, and so will you!

KBS Companies Is Your MN Construction Company

For almost 100 years, we’ve dedicated ourselves to our customers and to serving their individualized needs, and we don’t plan on stopping anytime soon. If you’re looking to build green, you couldn’t be in any better hands, as we’re only satisfied when you are, and when your eco-conscious requirements are met.

Give our Rochester location a call today at 507-287-3264, or reach us at Plainview at  507-534-3855.

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